i'm backkkkk!
my trip was fantastic. even though the first part of it got quite boring.
i miss Indonesia now! my grandparents and my cat especially. :(
my retreat of 31 days... sigh.
i tried to make everyday "remarkable" coz i wanted this trip to be something worth while.
i haven't gotten my butt back there for such a long time.
what did i do?
i think it would be more of what didn't i do.
well, well, well.
i went to all parts of Java... sort of.
and all i've been seeing for the past few days was batik.
i think for this whole trip i journeyed for like... 50 hours on a vehicle.
thats like 2 days straight. imagine how my numb my ass was.
Jogjakarta was awesome. i've always loved that city.
i managed to buy a dagadu and the whole family most probably spent more than ever there. which is funny. hahaha.
i saw the Merapi from far :)
and i had seafood.
i actually had seafood like 3 times. yaaay!
and in Jogja i saw my grandpa's uncle... so that makes him like my great grandpa's cousin.
i just saw like my ancestor.
and he slapped me. (as in the nice gesture type)
but yea.. that was really creepy me some how.
what else what else what else?
a lot really happened and i cant say it all here.
i met my aunt who lives all the way in canada in Jakarta and got me a shirt. weee :)
i pretty much met a lot of people.
ate a lot and i believed i managed to gain mass of 2 kg.
that makes me 43 now. but my mom believes i'm still 41. haha.
but that eating caused me to have crazy late nights where i stay up with the pain from the stomachaches.
i went shopping but not till the extend that i couldnt fit in my stuff inside the luggages thankfully :)
and i don't agree with people calling me a shopaholic when i did not fill my arms with plastic bags or whatsoever. not true. i spend... wisely. sort of :)
i don't know what else to say but overall the trip was awesome.
minus the plate incident and the whole caterpillar thing.
glad to be back but sad that i'm not there anymore.
i cannot wait to get back to school and hear what the others did! :)
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