"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anaïs Nin

My Photojournal


he whispered lies. [192]

for the past few days i've been listening to hell lot of songs.
i need to get my iTunes a clean-up.
almost a collection of 1000 and not all the songs are being listened. such a waste.

i'm sure youve heard about the orca who killed its trainer.
its sad, and im sure a lot of people are blaming the orca. which is even sadder.
but i was youtubing the accident and i ended up finding this on david letterman

its funny :)
but i still love Shamu.

went back home on thursday evening and welcomed myself with a plate of Mie Sedap.
how i miss the taste and smell of it.
too bad its banned at home.

went to pavilion to meet up with my old sayfol friends.
watched valentines day - which was good, just that taylor swift's acting killed it - and ate this wantan mee.
which. was so good.
i'd love to eat another plate of that next time i go to pavilion.

went back home with the lrt coz i had to accompany kresno home.
psh, such a wuss.
but it was fun meeting with: kresno, qalila, hasbi, fadhil, daniel, iliyana, andrei, aravind and ali.
its funny to see them work :)

the noodles i ate in jusco got me a stomach ache yesterday, which was very disturbing.
and i just realized that ive only studied in indonesia for 3 and half years.
and my mom was like:
"ratri can speak indonesian within 3 and half years of school"
well, amazing thing innit :)
i'm smart :D

which is weird as well, because i never had completed any school i attended.
except the one i am in now.

i should get to the showers, i sweated so much during tennis.
or at least start on doing my assignments.
procrastinated too much.
i blame how i met your mother :)

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