"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anaïs Nin

My Photojournal


what's always in the way? [201]

sigh, the difference without their presence.

I have to say I'm not in the greatest state of mind right now.
Oh that reminds me - Salar, Ilya and Andra beatboxed a few days back and it was really cool :)
If only I could post it.
Saw the funniest thing on tumblr - which still cracks me up to this very moment by the way.

silly little thing.

Was in school for the whole of Wednesday despite the fact that it was a holiday. All because of history.
Waffle Wednesdays.
I think I'm gonna have one later on.

Ate Indonesian food on Thursday and realized that no matter what condition or state I am, I will always have an empty corner for them.
Heaven on a plate :) yummmm.

Watched Date Night on Friday night with my sister and Andriana. It was stinkin' hilarious but the guy beside me was such a fag and I think was the source of stench in the whole cinema.
I thought I laughed loud... and that was before I met him.
Ate kebab for dinner and damn, they were goddammit good.
Photoboxed as well, and it was so gay. I liked how the pictures turned out though :)
Walked back to the hostel despite the fact that it was so freaky!

Turned out fine despite the fact that we wanted to go to 1 Utama.
Maybe next time.
Man my arms were really tired from OSSLT on that day.

Futsal was cancelled last Saturday and Lee Xian called me in the morning, telling me that she's all alone in school and she's only going to get picked up by her driver at 12.
So we decided to have breakfast in Pyramid :)
Finally got to eat them. I want them again now.
I wonder who would want to eat them with me :)

Pyramid was really empty and it felt like the place was a gazillion times bigger.
But when everything opened, Hui Xian came :)
Lee Xian was checking out studs for her belly piercing and she kinda pressured me (would that be the right word?) to get my ears pierced.
Man do my ears hurt on occasion.
I am so screwed when my mom gets back.

That day was really messed up, but it was fun :)
Especially eating in Ayam Bakar Wong Solo.
Hui Xian made new friends and she mixed with them, so that was easy.
Darius came over when I sent Hui Xian back and we chilled in the living room.
Ate satay for dinner, sent Darius back and had the weirdest tension in the car.

Went grocery shopping with my Dad and it was so weird without my Mom around.
Ate teppanyaki and it was very disappointing.

Had 2 pieces of J Co donuts on Monday and saw Hasbi, Daniel and Ali for a bit.
The amount of junk my friends bought just for a night of camping...

Watched Wild Child with Beatrice yesterday, but then she had to go.
Leaving me all alone with no girl to talk to :(
Thanks Andra for accompanying me in the common room :)
And the burger!

Darius didn't end up coming here yesterday and Qalila isn't coming here later...

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