"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anaïs Nin

My Photojournal


trapped in another dimension [204]

alpacas :)
they're so adorable.

my last week has been one of my worst weeks ever.
my dad is supposed to come back today though.
i hope he'll bring back good news.
unlike my mom, who has been gone for almost a month.

speaking for a month, i have only one more month to go until the end of the semester.
i cannot wait but i can wait at the same time.
i don't want to write the 4 exams.

met the twins and hui xian to watch kick-ass in pavilion.
it wasn't bad at all, really.
went to nando's and we took a lot of pictures :)

things have changed.
they're weird.
and i don't know how i'm gonna get through it.

i don't even know if hanif is alive or not.

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