yes, i know it's been like 5 days since i wrote on this thing.
i did say i was going to be busy.
but today was quite a lot of things happened.
nothing really happened in school, except for the fact that there's more homework given these days. yay world!
oh, and the fact that i've been thinking a lot about people during the war... coz of history.
ever wondered what ever happened to all the dead bodies that get stranded in the war?
well, i did that today. i seriously salute all the soldiers who have fought the war.
anywho, back to the story.
so, today i was packing all of my stuff since i have to move upstairs.
havoc. seriously.
i loathe packing. its just not me.
after finishing my packing, i helped Andriana.
damn, that girl needs help. hahaha, she's such a mess.
and adding to that, guess what i saw on her drawer?
a bird.
a dead bird to be exact.
yes, there was a dead bird inside Andriana's drawer. it sickens me more than it sickens you.
i was the first to see it.
baaah. so sad.
dinner was extremely funny. to the point i almost cried laughing.
but i really did.
i really cried laughing and pretty much literally rofl-ed.
because Andrew decided to cut his hair bald. and wore the shirt which said I love Indonesia.
the outcome?
my toe bled. like literally tore.
not that horrible, but i do not like the sight of blood.
its funny because exactly one month ago, i got a cut on my arm.
funnier thing is that it seems to happen on the nineteenth.
nineteenth is my birth date.
that sucks.
study period was seriously hilarious.
my sister and i had our usual skype talks even though we're just a centimetre away.
ilya decided to join and after that he invited dias and olzhas in the conversation.
it was one of the randomest conversation i've ever had.
but i had my laugh.
i saved it and its like 63 pages long.
whoa. but its mostly of dias saying shut up all the time so yeah.
after that, went outside to chill for a while... it was nice.
until beatrice stepped on my right slipper. leaving a nice bruise there.
i have bubus on both my feet.
on one day.
that is so sad.
well, right now im currently adapting to the new room.
i have totally forgotten about my marketing homework.
yay world.
i gave Hanif a ninja for his birthday.
its sad that he knows where, when, how much his present was because i bought it with him.
but i had fun, which i hope he did too :)
the weekend was rather quiet but i think i managed to see a couple of new things.
oh, and i made a pun.
which im quite surprised because i always tend to fail at that.
now, excuse me.
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