"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anaïs Nin

My Photojournal


one eight one

bah, i feel like were going to have a very very busy semester.
i hope to find a secondhand marketing book soon.
but all the book thing is confusing me.

met albert for a couple of days and today was the last one.
i had korean food today. bulgogi to be exact and it was so good.
went to pyramid with beatrice, nana, andra, albert and my sister.
quite tiring especially with the fact that we were all tired.

i watched "the stars" with hanif a couple of days ago.
it was nice, and really sweet.
i miss him.
right now...

i dont know, i havent exactly been the happiest for a while.
maybe coz its just the start of school.
oh well, its not like im sad.
i need to buy a couple of things.
a lot of money to be wasted.

might probably be going to pavilion with hui xian, v and syaza.
noooot sure.

i guess im just tired.

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