"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anaïs Nin

My Photojournal


show me your teeth [197]

have i told anyone how badly i want these shirts?
i have no particular reason actually.
i would like a shirt of The Strokes because they're awesome enough for me to wear it.
and an SPCA one because i don't think the word of animal cruelty is spread enough.

my mom made pudding today!
my sisters made hot dog today!
i think i improved in tennis today!
i might have finished my history today!
it's lady gaga's birthday today!
and today is the last sunday of march.

did i tell you that Lady Gaga's album "The Fame Monster" is awesome?
despite the fact that there's only 8 tracks in the cd, she's still awesome. and she's 24 today.
oh and did i tell you that Justin Bieber is a 1994-born? such a shame.

i really really would want a cup of cold ocha right now.
i cannot wait for April :)
Borneo, here I come!

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