"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anaïs Nin

My Photojournal


Strong Storm Trooper [196]

boredom in history class.

i just realized that i dont really update here as much as before.
oh well.

i had the most horrible day of service practice on sunday for tennis.
i had the perfect service once though... but then this fag from the other court had to get his ball coz it went over to our court, blocking me from returning the ball to my sister.
urgh was so pissed at him.
i hate service!!! its so gayyyyy.

on sunday, my sister checked out the fact website i usually go to, which is here and she found this.
"anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you".
that gave me the creeps for the whole week coz i think i really am anatidaephobic.
which is so weird, because fearing a duck watching you is by far the randomest fact i could ever think of.
who thought of that anyway?

had a mini-midnite facial on sunday with andriana and my sister. it was fun. but peeling off a pore pack is never fun. ever.

i counted how many people noticed my hair cut on monday!!
it was around 25 and it became 30 by the end of the week.
it's funny. i received different comments but most of it was about me looking more like my sister. meh.
oh and we gambled in science.
we won. i teamed up with Olzhas and we won and got $140. awesome.

tuesday was one of those busy days for me.
wrote 2 tests on that day. for marketing and science. played a game in english based on the Haitians. it was weird but yeah.
had to do some internet thing to my laptop for the hostel and rushed back there to change and play tennis. it was fun, but really tiring.
after that i had to finish my history culminating task - which i still need to do, by the way - and worry about my marketing marks (which i think i aced innn =]) oh and do the marketing survey.
but i ended up doing it in the cafeteria and staying there till like 9.
thanks again Hanif for being there :)

on wednesday i bought waffles because i found out the reason why my appetite has been so weird lately.
this past week i've only been wanting junk food and wasting the main food. i feel horrible.
i don't know whats up with my stomach lately.
and no, it's not period.
oh well. whatever makes my stomach happy :)

school was kinda boring, except for the fact that we had m&ms for marketing :)
and we were learning about optical illusions during science.
but found out that i had to wake up early for the next day :(

my "abs" hurt a lot all because of cheerleading on thursday.
it's insane, rina made me run like 5 laps around the tennis court.
20 push-ups was it?
and 50 sit ups.
that's right. fifty. READ IT AGAIN RINA.
you just made me sore. real bad.
that's not how i roll. nuh-uh.
had to jump a lot as well coz i was the only flyer -___- but thank god rina replaced me after that.
thank god it rained :)
ahaha :)

spent time with Hanif in the cafeteria after that. listened to quite a lot of different things and we stayed there for the whole time until my curfew.
it was nice :)
had ramly for dinner. it was goooood. :)

woke up to an itchy nose on friday.
my arm was already sore from the day before and i had to write so much for the mock test.
its crazy, i dont even know if whatever i wrote made sense or not.
chilled at school with naufal, andriana, my sister and mr c (?)
we were talking about mr c's trip to bali and how unlucky he was coz they had the Nyepi holiday. hahaa.

funny story about friday.
was supposed to go out with hasbi and daniel.
daniel cant make it - i guess?
so, hasbi invited darius.
but darius cant go coz hes broke.
and i cant go to pyramid alone with hasbi because thatll be quite... weird.
so i told hanif about it and he told me that hes going to be there.
and when i asked/called him to see if he was at pyramid, he didnt answer. so i thought he was still asleep - lol.
so i went with andriana, my sister, kelvin, ilya, andra and milad to pyramid to get a cab to pavilion. before that we hung out at orange so that they can eat.
i thought that i could eat later, because i was craving for these awesome wantan soup in the food court.
we took the bus coz it was right there and it was really hot.
and on the way to pyramid, we were doing the usual talks and kelvin and ilya were joking about weird things.
and then, hanif called and told me that he just finished watching his movie at pyramid.
so i told them i'll pass going to pavilion because i know that there's nothing much to do there especially when i'm broke.
so i teman-ed my friends and my sister to buy their taxi tickets and went to starbucks to meet hanif and eldy.
and it all started from there.

it was really tiring, even though we didnt really do so much. i think we spent most time at popular. checked out this book of 1001 places you must see before you die. it's so full of beautiful places.
bora-bora island was one of them.

we ate indomie at orange and walked back to pyramid in the rain to buy my flats.
worth it :)
i finally got the shoes i wanted :) felt so good buying them.
found out that my sister wasnt back at 9 yet so we were roaming around the area. haha :)
i had fun with Hanif :)
felt better with my sister coming home telling me it was one of the boringest day of her life.
felt bad as well though.

today, after my sister picked us up, we picked up my dad from darby park and had an unexpected lunch in tarbush.
ate sambosa because i thought it would taste the same as the ones in qatar. i guess not. neither is the kuey teow :(
went down for a swim and also to take pictures for my optical illusion.
my sister did one and i have to say, its quite disturbing.
shes gonna hate me for this, but oh well.

first of all she looks like she's walking on the water. but when you look closely, she looks like a freggin creep!!!

but yeah, its been a while since ive taken a dip inside the water.
i guess work has taken a lot of my time... but most of the time procrastinating.

for earth hour, i went to the planetarium with my sisters.
it was really cool, but it would be nicer if we wouldve went earlier so that we could get the glow sticks and the lanterns.
oh well.
i managed to see saturn on the telescope and even though it was really small, it was really cool.
it looked like a normal star though.
oh and there was a telescope magnifying on the land of the moon. so i could actually see the craters on the moon and the edges of it.
i really want a telescope.

before it all finished, me and my sisters went inside to the exhibition part of the planetarium.
went inside to the anti gravity room, which is so cool. i loved the sign btw.

and that little blue thing on the right is the slide exit.

that room was crazy. its very psychological though.
i think im gonna go there again someday :)

right now im procrastinating on my history and my sleep.
my tennis class in like 10 hours under the dreadful sun.
i should really get some sleep though.

this is by far the beautifulest song by the kooks.
love it.

this has certainly been one of my longest posts.
i dont know why i kept it really long.
ooh. i made a formspring.
and a tumblr that is most probably more updated than this.

yes, you can tell me how lifeless i am.
or be like my dad and tell me that i should put the internet to good use, rather than doing these.
or just let it be.

Face To Face is playing on my iTunes.
love it :)

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