"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anaïs Nin

My Photojournal


things you don't probably know about me.

since it's a new chapter to the year, i'll bombard this page i call escape with my nonsense.

  • i love the fact that i can see the tv screens in the rooms of hilton hotel, and see how many people are watching the same channel.
  • out of the 25 top countries i'd like to travel, 8 of them are in the lovely, beautiful continent of asia (although i'm still not sure where to categorize turkey in)
  • my favourite mode of transportation would be the train. i'd die to ride on the darjeeling himalayan  railway!
  • the things i'd like to do right now is to kayak, snorkel and read a book while resting on a hammock.
  • i thought i could be a marine biologist, or an astronomer but my father's scientific genes didn't really get to mine, so i became nonscientific.
  • i don't want to sound ridonkulous, but i think i'm really good with guessing numbers. like the typical math class and how the teacher asks the class to choose a number, and nobody answers but my head, and she'll be like saying the number that's in my head.
    and no, this is definitely not coincidence.
  • i really do think it's annoying when people who reside in tropical countries to be waiting for summer. if you like it like that, then you do not have the right to complain about how hot the weather is!
  • you don't know this, but my favourite animal is the giraffe, or any baby animals. if i could raise a farm of baby animals, i would.
  • my high school history teacher once told me he volunteered to work in an animal sanctuary in a small island in greece. that is now my dream!
  • sometimes when i walk alone, i like to guess passerby's ages, and music taste.
  • things i do not like most about my appearance: my nose, my ears and the occasional everything.
  • occasionally, i'd like to wonder what people are listening in their cars.
  • i love history, culture, and the like. it's really unfortunate how people can hate history so much because of how they were taught in school. i can't thank my history teachers enough for making me such an enthusiast in it.
  • maybe i'm a little bit late at pointing this out, but i find it hilarious how the stages of teenage life is like, e.g. the shops like teddy tales, girlz and whatever not.
  • i learned that i am scared of my own imagination, because i can get too vivid on the simplest of things.
  • give me 100 bucks and i'll spend it on colour pens and colour pens only.
  • one day, i will purchase a can of peaches and longan and eat them as i cry whilst watching grey's anatomy.
  • if i get a chance to ever live back in jakarta, i would purchase a kiddie pool and read a book while sipping on es blewah with nata de coco.
  • if you want to know a secret: write your shit. it really gets in your head. and use colours. lots of colours.
  • if you're looking for a person who'd like to go out for a movie/cup of tea/play/market: call me.
  • i have so many places i've yet to gastronomically explore, but i hate how i've got a small appetite.
  • i really do not know what my hobbies are.
  • i really do think i'm a boring person.
  • i'd like to change someone's life by the end of the year.

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